My history with the supply chain began in 2011, during a conference by a CPG firm’s manager. That day I knew I wanted to work in supply chain, so I enrolled in the necessary classes to get a job in the field. At that time, I also looked for the best master’s in supply chain in the world because I believe that surrounding oneself with the best, drives us to be better, not only academically but also morally. Therefore, for the last eight years, being part of the MIT SCM program was one of my biggest dreams.
In December of 2018, I got mail from Justin Snow (our amazing Academic Advisor) congratulating me on my admission. For me, that moment is unforgettable because that was the start of an amazing adventure in many senses. Within that mail there were some lines like, “You join a select group of extraordinary and accomplished individuals,” and “You will meet students, staff, and faculty from around the globe and across many industries,” that describe a bit of the soul of our program. Being part of an MIT SCM cohort does not only allow access to the best experts in the field, but it also gives the opportunity to be part of a diverse and cohesive community like no other.

Our SCM 2020 cohort, like those before us and the upcoming ones, is like a beautiful canvas with many different shapes and bright colors. Being part of the MIT School of Engineering, I feel compelled to provide numbers to illustrate my point of view:
- Our cohort is formed by 44 professionals from 18 different countries on 4 continents.
- We have 25 international students and 19 US national students from 11 states.
This means that we have a very rich mix of cultures. There is more! As you know by now, our cohort comes from very different places but that isn’t only geographically. In terms of college majors, we have
- 25% industrial engineers
- 20% business
- 7% mechanical engineers
- 48% from other majors
As figure 1 shows, in our program we have amazing professionals with non-traditional backgrounds that bring a different perspective.
Our journey together began in January 2019 through a Telegram group. For eight months we got to know each other, celebrated every time a new member joined us, organized online study groups to survive the Python class, and supported each other on our way to MIT. On August 12, before orientation period started, we gathered in a bar and met for the first time. However, it felt like meeting old friends and very soon the table was full of conversation and laughter. I am glad to say that the camaraderie we built on-line has only strengthened as we shared time together in person. We faced many challenges during orientation week, we supported each other to survive the Supply Chain Analytics exam, and of course partied together after that. By supporting each other, we have been able to drink from the fire-hose without drowning. As a result, we have successfully navigated through classes, and 60%+ of our class have gotten job offers from top companies before the end of the fall semester.

So far, my experience at MIT has been all I dreamed about and beyond. With the spirit of Thanksgiving still present, I am deeply grateful to be part of this amazing family. I am very excited to post the stories my friends will share during the upcoming weeks.