Financing Your SCM Master’s Degree

Our goal is to make your SCM degree financially possible.

Loans, grants, and fellowships—partial and full—are available. Most of our students receive some fellowship funding to offset their tuition costs. And all students are automatically considered. Whatever your situation, our financial aid team is here to help. Contact us, and we’ll work together to find the best options for financing your degree.

By the Numbers

of Class of 2022 students who applied received fellowships
In total fellowship awards granted

SCM Awards and Fellowships

The MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (CTL) provides a number of partial fellowships specifically for SCM students. Except where noted, the awards listed below require no separate application forms or submissions. All applicants who indicate interest in fellowship and grant opportunities by checking the “Fellowship” box provided on the Financial Statement Form within the MIT Graduate Application will be considered for these awards. All awards are made by the admissions committee based on application materials, interviews, and references. Notification of awards are made either at the time of admission or shortly thereafter, unless otherwise specified. The SCM program requires full-time enrollment for all master's students, as such we do not provide opportunities for work during the program and do not provide financial support for positions such as Research Assistant (RA) and Teaching Assistant (TA).

MIT Student Financial Services

Financial Aid Loans

Many domestic students depend on federal student loans. International students often seek loans from private lenders. The MIT Student Financial Services Office is the best resource for information on these forms of financial assistance. MIT Student Financial Services also administers educational benefits available to veterans of the United States military.

MIT Veterans Financial Services

SCM Fellowship Opportunities

Residential (SCMr) Applicants interested in Fellowships must apply by the Round 2 deadline – January 31, 2025. Blended (SCMb) Applicants must apply by the Round 1 deadline – January 10, 2025.

SCM Departmental Fellowships

Eligibility: (SCMr, SCMb) Awarded to incoming SCM students based on merit and need. All applicants are automatically considered.

Number of Awards: 5-10 per academic year per program
SCMr: $5,000 to $25,000 tuition fellowship
SCMb: $3,000 to $15,000 tuition fellowship

SCALE Scholars

Eligibility: (SCMr, SCMb) Awarded to incoming students interested in conducting research in the global aspects of logistics, transportation, or supply chain management. All applicants are automatically considered.

Sponsored by: MIT Global Supply Chain and Logistics Excellence (SCALE) Network

Number of Awards: 5-10 per academic year per program
SCMr: $5,000 to $25,000 tuition fellowship
SCMb: $3,000 to $15,000 tuition fellowship

Lifetime Learner Award

Eligibility: (SCMb only)
Awarded ​​​​​​to incoming students who have taken a nontraditional approach to completing a graduate degree.  This includes individuals with advance careers or unique work experience that highlights a unique perspective. All applicants are automatically considered.

Number of Awards: 1-3 per academic year
Amount: $9,000 to $15,000 tuition fellowship

Yellow Ribbon Program

Eligibility: (SCMr, SCMb) Awarded to incoming SCM students who served in the United States military and who qualify for the Yellow Ribbon Program under the Post-9/11 GI Bill®. Assuming eligibility requirements are met, the awards are processed upon completion of required paperwork to MIT’s Veteran’s Benefits office.

Number of Awards: Unlimited
Amount: $15,000 tuition fellowship

SCM Fellowship Opportunities

Residential (SCMr) Applicants interested in Fellowships must apply by the Round 2 deadline – January 31, 2025. Blended (SCMb) Applicants must apply by the Round 1 deadline – January 10, 2025.

AWESOME / MIT Advancing Women through Education (AWE) Fellowship

Sponsored by: AWESOME (Achieving Women’s Excellence in Supply Chain Operations, Management and Education) and the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics

Eligibility: (SCMr, SCMb)
Awarded to an incoming student. All eligible applicants are automatically considered.

Number of Awards: 1 per program (SCMr, SCMb), per academic year
Amount: 100% tuition fellowship

MIT Supply Chain Excellence Award

Eligibility: Top seniors from a select group of universities who are graduating with undergraduate degrees in supply chain or  industrial engineering. Learn more. Additional application is required.

Number of Awards: Varies
Amount: $15,000 or $30,000 tuition fellowship

*Applicants who are alumni of our partner schools but did not receive a Supply Chain Excellence Award are eligible for a new award. Reach out to for more information about the Alumni Achievement Award.

UPS Fellowship

Sponsored by: UPS and the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics

Eligibility: (SCMr, SCMb, PhD students)
PhD or Master’s level students conducting research in the transportation, logistics, or supply chain management areas. All eligible applicants are automatically considered.

Number of Awards: 1 per academic year

Amount: Tuition, student health insurance, and a monthly stipend

In my practice as a supply chain professional, I have realized that women bring fresh perspectives and ideas which give significant advantages when implemented. We however need to learn to speak up and let our voices be heard on the strategies and solutions we bring to the table. This Fellowship will build and strengthen my capacity to create value for businesses on a larger and more global scale. It will also equip me to encourage and empower other women to strive for greater contributions to the world of Supply Chain.”
Foyinsola Adeyemi
SCMb ’24 AWE Fellowship Recipient
University of Ilorin
Women are historically underrepresented in technical and operational fields, and I’ve seen that firsthand. Working in the supply chain, I’ve often been one of the few women in the room and I want to be a part of changing that. Exposure to cutting-edge industry practices, a supportive and driven community, and mentorship from female leaders across industries will be invaluable in my journey to becoming a leader in my space.”
Ria Verma
SCMr ’24 AWESOME Scholarship Finalist who was awarded the UPS Fellowship
Arizona State University ’19

MIT Competitive Fellowship Nominations

In addition to the SCM awards and fellowships, all SCM students are eligible to be considered for highly competitive awards and endowed fellowships available to the larger MIT community. Students are automatically considered for these awards. Nomination forms are provided to admitted students in early admission rounds. In recent years, SCM students have been recipients of various awards including:

Learn more about MIT grant and fellowship opportunities from the Office of Graduate Education or the School of Engineering. Prospective students must apply in early admission rounds to be considered for these awards.

The SCM Program is prepared to support your request to Secure Corporate Sponsorship from your Employer and has prepared an FAQ to help you craft a proposal.

Take The Next Steps

Take the next step!

Begin your application today and take the next step in your SCM journey. We look forward to hearing from you!

Admissions Questions?

You can email us at! Due to the high volume of applications, we regret that we are unable to meet with every applicant individually.

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